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As an Economics major at St. Edward’s, you我将在经济学和商业原理方面打下坚实的基础. 

You’ll study markets, banking, 商业法和当前的经济问题,如环境和医疗保健. And you’ll learn about consumer decision-making, how pricing and wages are determined, and international trade.

你的经济学学位教你理解模式和预测未来, making you a valued advisor to business or government. With sharp analytical thinking and quantitative skills, 你将拥有成为世界银行金融分析师的背景, 国会代表的公共政策专家, or a consultant for a multinational company. You’ll also become a standout candidate for law schools, 这通常需要学生理解经济原理.

Why earn your Accounting degree at St. Edward’s?

Whether you choose to pursue a career in finance, government, 学术或法律——有一件事是肯定的:你的优势. Edward’s education will prepare you to succeed. 你会在课堂内外找到学习、回馈和实现目标的机会. And your mentors will support you every step of the way. 

Build relationships with your professors

在小班学习由屡获殊荣的教授与多年的行业专业知识. They’ll make a point of getting to know you, help you identify and focus on your goals, 并在你大学期间和毕业后提供指导和见解. 他们会利用自己的经验和人脉帮助你建立关系网.

Boost your résumé with real-world experience

实践学习的机会让你沉浸在专业的世界里. 与教授合作进行有益于社区的研究, 比如研究确定全市活动的经济影响. 在各个行业的公司实习期间进行财务分析并跟踪全球市场趋势.

Complete two degree in five years

在就业市场上获得竞争优势 经济学学士和工商管理硕士(MBA) with our pathway to receive two degrees in five years. Success coaches and academic advisors 指导您完成本科和研究生课程,以最大限度地提高效益. 


Reap the Rewards of Austin

Austin is one of the fastest-growing cities in the U.S. and home to nearly 100 Fortune 500 firms. 我们在奥斯汀的合作伙伴关系和人脉为充满活力的商业环境打开了大门,这里是实习和工作的理想之地, bolstered by the city’s strong economy.

What do our graduates do?

经济学专业的学生可以从事各种各样的职业,也可以从圣. Edward’s. Here’s a sample.

  • Analyst with JP Morgan Chase & Co.
  • Associate at Deutsche Bank
  • Customer experience data analyst at WPEngine
  • Senior associate at Vida Capital 
  • 云计算巨头VMWare拉丁美洲业务开发代表
  • 作为TAPIF项目的一部分,法国凡尔赛学院的教师

Explore More Details About the BBA in Economics

Degree Plan

Major Requirements: 

General Education Requirements: 
所有专业都要求学生在四年内完成44小时的通识教育, in addition to their major courses.


A few examples of the Economics courses students take:

  • Microeconomic Theory – Analyze how pricing, output and employment are determined; the role of markets in the allocation of resources; and the types of market structure in a mixed economy.
  • Money and Banking – Study the nature of money, the role of the Federal Reserve System, monetary theory and policy, commercial banking, credit structure, financial markets and international finance.
  • Law and Economics-学习法律和经济制度的基础知识,并研究监管约束和司法决定如何影响我们的市场经济. 研究领域将包括财产权、合同法、刑法和反托拉斯法.

因为经济学学位能培养智力, quantitative strength and critical thinking, 这个项目的学生将相关技能带到课堂之外的经验中. 他们参加实习,进行研究,并在学生组织中实践领导.

Economics Club

经济俱乐部促进了对经济思想的兴趣. Edward’s University. 该俱乐部是一个讨论经济问题的论坛,也是一个关于经济学职业和研究生课程的信息交流平台. 它还促进了对经济学感兴趣的学生之间的社会互动. 了解更多关于经济学俱乐部和其他学生组织的信息 recommended by The Bill Munday School of Business.


财经系的教职员工致力于开展影响专业并使奥斯汀社区受益的研究. 他们通常包括对研究和报告过程感兴趣的经济学学生. For example, 教授和学生合作进行研究,确定了奥斯汀马拉松赛的经济影响. 他们的研究显示,这项体育赛事为该市和当地商界创造了3400万美元的收入


Economics students intern at locally, nationally and internationally recognized organizations, where they conduct financial analysis, track global market trends, assist portfolio managers and work to minimize risk. 有些人与其他实习生和主管合作,评估组织的短期和长期目标. Our students have interned at JPMorgan Chase & Co., WP Engine, and Vida Capital, to name a few.

辅修经济学的学生分析和理解全球, 通过学习商品和服务是如何在世界范围内生产和分配的区域和地方问题.

Required Courses:

  • Microeconomic Principles – ECON 2301
  • Macroeconomic Principles – ECON 2302
  • Any Upper-Division ECON Courses (12 hours) – ECON 3000+

Total Hours: 18

Are you a current student? Contact your advisor for next steps in declaring your major or minor.

我们的教师在他们的领域保持活跃,并专注于包括工业组织在内的领域, asymmetric information, data analysis, heterodox economics, statistics, 以及网络和高科技市场的经济学.

教师将多年的行业专业知识带到课堂上. 他们帮助学生获得宝贵的学习和成长机会,并全面支持学生的职业发展.